Another REIN Member Traveling The World because of Their Real Estate


Investor, Analyst, Author, Philanthropist
Staff member
REIN Member
Aug 22, 2007
I SO Love these stories. They are inspiring, they are humbling and they are a TON of fun!

Is Returning to ACRE Weekend really worth the effort? is a question I get asked al lthe time. Well, here, you decide if it is 'Worth The Effort...." :)

Oliver... he started at an ACRE weekend and now has just begun his big
Traveling Adventure, fueled and funded by his real estate results. Below is his first video from the travels, along with a wonderfully inspiring discussion on why and how he made it happen (and so can you)

As many others have discovered, yes it is worth it. Whether you just want to
get a little more cash flow into your life, want to pay for kids
post-secondary education... avoid winter by being on your sail boat down
south... or want to go wild and take an amazing, life changing trip... it is worth the effort, the focus and frankly doing just that extra 10% others aren't willing to do.

His quote: "Thanks
Don! October 2007 in Edmonton - had to fly in from Toronto as a new
grad (from U of T) and haven't missed an ACRE ever since. That's til
the last one of course, takes a while to get your whole life into
storage containers AND set up a system to let us purchase properties
without being there. Yes, we are doing this right now - all thanks to

Here's video of Day 1 of his big adventure:

Here is a recording of an interview he did jsut before heading out on this journey. I urge you to take the time to have a listen:

Oliver Limcangco Go get it man! Many will call you lucky... while we know you're just committed and 'created' your 'luck.'
Likes: BradEarthWide
Nov 27, 2010
Grande Prairie
I will be making that post in this forum in exactly nine years - OR LESS :)

Thanks for the inspiring words, and thanks to REIN for giving me the tools and confidence to get moving in this business! Better late than never, I always say!

Likes: DonCampbell

rob ohs

It is perfect and motivational.I Really found it interesting to read.Great Post.A big thanks for sharing with us.