Attend this weekend's ACRE Live as my Guest.



The Vancouver ACRE Live event is only 3 days from now and we want YOU to attend. This event will not only eliminate any fears you have about Investing in Real Estate, it will set you up with a PLAN to take ACTION and build Real Estate Wealth for YOU and your family.

We get it, with so much information thrown at us on a daily basis it makes it hard to know what we want. Let us set your mind at ease and set you up to make 2016 your best year yet..

ACRE Live has been the catalyst for thousands of students, who swear that without this training they would not be where they are today.

We want the same for you. With our 100% money back guarantee, you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I have a very special offer for you to attend.. This offer is not available online, so call me today, I'm waiting for your call...
1-888-824-7346 or 604-856-2825