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Bill to license Landlords-Please Oppose write your councillors


May 12, 2008
Call to Action If you are a landlord or represent landlords...

On Wednesday, October 22, Ottawa City Council will be considering recommendations to license residential landlords and to fund tenant organizing to create a City-wide Tenants Association.

Licensing would

[*]impose restrictions on investors before they could buy investment property[*]reduce the market for rental property, reducing competition and choice for tenants[*]raise rents due to the lessened competition and the license fees Tenant funding at the municipal level is unnecessary because

  • the Province provides advice and mediation at the Landlord and Tenant Board for $12M per year or more
  • the Province funds legal clinics for tenants for tens of millions of dollarsthe City already funds Housing Help agencies for $1,000,000 per year If you are a landlord, or if you represent landlords in the course of your business, you need to express your opinions on these recommendations to members of City Council before the vote on Wednesday, October 22nd by sending an e-mail to Mayor OíBrien and the City Councillors listed below. You can send e-mails to those in your area of the city, OR to all the Councillors listed below.


  • tell the Councillors you are a small landlord or represent small landlordsask them to vote against licensing landlords and tell them why it is not a good ideaask them to vote against increases in support for tenants as support already exists
Councillors from the South end:
Diane.Deans@ ottawa.ca;
Doug.Thompson@ ottawa.ca;
Glenn.Brooks@ ottawa.ca;
Maria.Mcrae@ ottawa.ca;
Steve.Desroches@ ottawa.ca;
Jan.Harder@ottawa. ca;

Councillors from the East end:
Bob.Monette@ ottawa.ca;
Michel.Bellemare@ ottawa.ca;
Rainer.Bloess@ ottawa.ca;
Rob.Jellett@ ottawa.ca;
Peter.Hume@ottawa. ca;

Councillors from the West end:
christine.leadman@ ottawa.ca;
Eli.El-Chantiry@ ottawa.ca;
Gord.Hunter@ ottawa.ca;
Marianne.Wilkinson@ ottawa.ca;
Rick.Chiarelli@ ottawa.ca;
Shad.Qadri@ottawa. ca;

Mayor Larry OíBrien:
larry.obrien@ ottawa.ca 0081003/OTT_Landlord_Mayor_081003/20081003/?hub=OttawaHome" target="_blank">

http://ottawa. ctv.ca/servlet/ an/local/ CTVNews/20081003 /OTT_Landlord_ Mayor_081003/ 20081003/ ?hub=OttawaHome://http://ottawa. ctv.ca/servlet/ an/l...?hub=OttawaHome://http://ottawa. ctv.ca/servlet/ an/l...?hub=OttawaHome://http://ottawa. ctv.ca/servlet/ an/l...?hub=OttawaHome

http://www.canada. com/ottawacitize n/news/story. html?id=949b5ada -ee39-424a- 91d7-582d0989944 c://http://www.canada. com/ottawacitize...7-582d0989944 c://http://www.canada. com/ottawacitize...7-582d0989944 c://http://www.canada. com/ottawacitize...7-582d0989944 c

http://www.charlata n.ca/index. php?option= com_content&task=view&id=20688&Itemid=149://http://www.charlata n.ca/index. php...&Itemid=149://http://www.charlata n.ca/index. php...&Itemid=149://http://www.charlata n.ca/index. php...&Itemid=149

Source:Ottawa Real Estate Board
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