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Confidence Real Estate


Aug 29, 2007
My success story for today is about confidence gained in my personal life, business and dealing with joint venture partners. Alot of this has been with the help of mentors. Philip Mckernan is one of them. I am thankful to him for working with us last year and we look forward to working with him again in the future. I am REALLY excited as a part of my success will be in interviewing him on Monday. It has been a goal of mine for awhile to be able to help people in business to succeed and promote themselves and my success story is making others success possible! REIN has been a huge part of helping me create that with my ventures, real estate purchases and the PERFECT system to buy property correctly and with less hassle. Looking so forward to reading Philip`s new book as well. Keep persistence everyone during this economic time. I keep positive by not listening to all the hype but understanding the fundamentals, listening to Don, Russell, Benjamin Tal, in other words...the Experts! Have a great summer and thanks Philip for making my ventures a success!


Sep 17, 2008
Congrats Darcelle, confidence goes a looooong way in life!


May 7, 2009
Don`t listen to the nay sayers. Trust your instincts but be willing to look at the long term picture. I bought my first real investment property in 1996 with a $50,000 credit card advance, 2nd mortgage VTB and assumption of a 1st mortgage. Family told me it was a bad deal but the worst case downside was still ok in my eyes. My intention was to hold this property for a long time but I accepted an offer I could not refuste 6 years later


Feb 4, 2008
Good on you Darcelle! A couple of Mckernan "nuggets" have also helped me very well. For example, I am glad I took to heart his suggestion that everybody should have a "gratitude diary". The next day following that REIN meeting I bought a small notebook. I scribbled in a few words of thanks & the rest is history. That little book has become a powerful tool in helping to see good in everything. Without it I would have walked right past some great opportunities that I am now glad I found.


Aug 30, 2007
Hi Darcelle,

Sorry to have to disagree with you but your ventures are a success because of YOU and not me.

I am delighted and honoured to have played a role in them in a Mentoring capacity but you took the action. Well done you!

QUOTE (Darcelle @ May 29 2009, 08:10 AM) My success story for today is about confidence gained in my personal life, business and dealing with joint venture partners. Alot of this has been with the help of mentors. Philip Mckernan is one of them. I am thankful to him for working with us last year and we look forward to working with him again in the future. I am REALLY excited as a part of my success will be in interviewing him on Monday. It has been a goal of mine for awhile to be able to help people in business to succeed and promote themselves and my success story is making others success possible! REIN has been a huge part of helping me create that with my ventures, real estate purchases and the PERFECT system to buy property correctly and with less hassle. Looking so forward to reading Philip`s new book as well. Keep persistence everyone during this economic time. I keep positive by not listening to all the hype but understanding the fundamentals, listening to Don, Russell, Benjamin Tal, in other words...the Experts! Have a great summer and thanks Philip for making my ventures a success!


Aug 30, 2007
After the interview today with Darcelle I have had a number of people contact me and ask about some of the topics we covered and in particular around The Power of Confidence.

FYI - Don has asked me to deliver this topic in June at the Edmonton Conference so if you are a REIN member or guest I will see you there and I promise to give you as much value on the day as I can muster.

“Your confidence today will determine your success tomorrow” - Philip McKernan
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