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Container to Malawi Africa


Aug 30, 2007

I am embarking on one of my goals to help the orphans in Africa. I live in Calgary and have visited Malawi twice. Following those visits I have set up a process to send a container of needed supplies to the villages there. I have received text books, desks and school supplies from the 3 local school boards, medical supplies from the Health Regions and Red Cross and some bicycles. I would like to obtain hand tools of any description to send in the container. These tools are not available to purchase in the country. If you have any extra tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, saws, wrenches, nails, screws etc. I would appreciate them. They will be used to start up small businesses for the young men who are trying to support their families. I am also looking for children`s blocks, learning toys, puzzles, and musical instruments.

If you are able to help out please email me. We are also holding a fundraising dinner on Sept. 12th. at the Deer Run Community Center. Get your tickets. ($25 per person or $45 per couple). It will be a fun evening with African dancing, silent auction and dinner. Round tables each hold eight people.


Aug 31, 2007
Contact one of your local Rotary Clubs and tell them what you are planning. You may even be invited to speak at one of their dinners. If they like it well enough, they may even get behind you as a club or district project.

Rotary, and I am sure other service organizations do as well, ship containers full of donated stuff around the world. My own Rotary club has a container of cancer lab equipment going to Tanzania soon.

I am not sure how it works, but service clubs get SIGNIFICANT discounts from the world`s shippers... discounts you will not be able get on your own.
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