
Sep 17, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta
Since I joined REIN I`ve had so many successes. I bought my first property in February of 2006 and as of May 31, 2007, my commonlaw husband (Bruce) and I own 6 investment properties. Two of them are JV`s with other members of our family.

I took a break over the summer and now am ready to get back at investing. I`ve decided
that I`m going to pursue finding JV money partners to invest in many more. A couple of weeks ago another REIN member called me up to invite me to a JV brainstorming meeting. After attending this meeting I was inspired to get my JV presentation tweeked so it looked professional and I actually knew what I was doing. I went and bought a 1/2" binder, some heavyweight sheet protectors, and some colored ink (as my printer ran out many moons ago) and proceeded to make my JV presentation. I`ve been spending hours on the REIN sight searching for information for the contents of my presentation. I am so thankful that most information is right there.

Our brainstorming group is meeting again on Oct. 4 so the pressure is on to finish it, and I will because I`ve decided

I give myself credit for taking the innitiative to join REIN (with my Mom`s persuasion, she`s a member too). If it wasn`t for REIN I would never be investing in real estate. The information that you learn there takes the fear away. I trust Don and what he teaches because it just makes sense!

When I speak to members that haven`t taken their first step in investing at REIN meetings I always ask them, "What is the worst thing that can happen"? Before I took my first step in investing I asked just that question. I was 70K in debt from my business, was divorced, was just diagnosed with a kidney disease and was living with my MOM! THANKS MOM! You saved my life! Anyway, I was worse that just broke! So I answered the question. The worst thing that could have happened was that I could go bankrupt and to me that seemed better than my current situation! Then I asked myself what was the best thing that could happen to me? The answer was that I could become financially free.....and I`m well on my way!

Thank you Don, and all your team for working so hard to change peoples lives. Not having to worry about financial stresses and being able to help my kids has made my life peaceful and happy.


Sep 18, 2007
North West Edmonton, Alberta
Great story Rebecca,

I have a well paying job and have just recently bought my first investment property, but it wasn`t that
long ago that my wife and I went through some tough financial hardships. However, like that saying goes "what does not kill you, makes you stronger"
we`ve bounced back and now thanks to Don and his REIN team, we`ll succeed.

Martin Blair
Aug 30, 2007
BC + Ireland

Well done for sharing. Your story by the way may have been written for first time investors but has inspired me and I am not one. Thanks.

I love the fact that you give yourself credit in there for joining REIN as without YOU making that change this would not be happening. Can I share a story with you?

About 2 years ago my wife`s mother pulled her aside and expressed her worry about what we were doing in the property market and that she thought we were making a mistake. The funny thing is that her other daughter was in a nightmare relationship but never said that to her or suggested she was making a mistake. I walked in and joined the conversation and finally asked "What is the worst thing that can happen?" 1) We loose all we have and move in with her 2) We do well and don`t have to move in with her.

Its funny how she was able to challenge us on the property but could not challenge her other daughter on her relationship. She is amazing and I love here to bits and that is the way she was brought up.

Take Care and well done YOU!

Philip McKernan.


Sep 6, 2007
Cambridge, Ontario (K-W-C)
What a great story Rebecca. We really can turn the "ship" of our lives around.

Four years ago, my husband Steven and I were heavily in bad debt and getting deeper. We then made a big decision. We turned our personal line of credit and all our other debt into a loan and arranged for an aggressive payment plan of $1800 a month. It would have made a great episode of "Til Debt Do Us Part."

The heavy payments just about flattened me, but before long we could see the light – and that light got bigger faster than I ever imagined. In the spring of 2005 I read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and it changed my worldview. A month later we were at Quickstart, joined REIN and now with properties under our belt, we are no longer just moving away from debt, but we are moving toward greater and greater wealth.

What a great adventure.
