New to Real Estate. Market Research for Quebec?

Tom. G

New Forum Member
Hello everyone,

My name is Tom. I have read through "Real Estate Investing in Canada" once, and now I'm re reading it a second time and going through the steps as they are laid out in the book.

I'm new to real estate investing (though I have previous experience in stock trading). I'm 25 and don't own any property yet. I'm trying to educate myself as much as possible and learn everything I can. Real estate investing and flipping houses always made a lot of sense to me, but until now I've never been in a position to dedicate enough time and resources to learning.

Now that I have the time, I'm eager to learn, although I've hit a few road blocks. I have searched online as best as I can to find resources of information and stats about Quebec and cities/towns within Quebec (I live in Montreal, more specifically, Beaconsfield). I've been trying to find information on average incomes/immigration/basically everything that is talked about throughout the book in order to find the best cities and towns to spend my time looking at, and I'm having a hard time finding any good sources of information. I've tried looking through these forums, but it seems I keep coming up short when it comes to Quebec.

My question is: Does anyone know of any good places for me to check for this kind of information (market research, stats, etc...)? Are there any of you who reside in Quebec, or invest in Quebec who I would be able to speak with? Any and all information/suggestions/help is very much appreciated.

Thank you!



Hi Tom,

You can start by the CMHC reports:
Note that you can select publications from a different province or zoom in to a city/neigborhood using the interactive map.

You may also use:
RBC Economics Housing reports:

PWC Emerging trends reports:

I hope this helps you in your research!



New Forum Member
Hi Tom, I know this post is more than 1 year old. Just wondering if you end up buying any property in Quebec. I am interested in buying in Montreal. However having hard time finding a investor orientated realtor. Would you reply me if you know any good realtor in Montreal? Thank you.


New Forum Member
Hi Alvaro, I know this post is more than 1 year old. Just wondering if you did buy a small multiplex in Montreal. I am interested in buying in Montreal. However having hard time finding a investor orientated realtor. Would you reply me if you know any good realtor in Montreal? Thank you!

Alvaro Sanchez

Ottawa-Gatineau Investor
I am in the process but I must say that I buy mostly private so I don't know any re agents in Montreal. I can get you a few names but I have not done any dealings with them so not sure if that would help you.

Here is another resource that I use from time-to-time to get a pulse on an area (lots of information from people who resides there) .