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Price Difference


Nov 12, 2008
If there were 2 properties side by side and one had a legally suited basement, how much more would that be worth?
Generally speaking $25000,$50000,$75000 more?

Just some thoughts and input what everyone thinks would be great.



Sep 17, 2007
QUOTE (wtoews @ Jan 27 2009, 04:48 PM) If there were 2 properties side by side and one had a legally suited basement, how much more would that be worth?
Generally speaking $25000,$50000,$75000 more?

Just some thoughts and input what everyone thinks would be great.


I`ve noticed the price differences between these properties up to $100,000. You have to take into consideration that one is a legally suited and you won`t have trouble from the city and as well utilites are separated, hopefully. I think that a very important factor is the so called "legal" suite should have utilies completely separated. As soon as they are not, the property isn`t worth as much. Also, of course the separate addresses is an important factor. If you buy a rental property with a suited basement, you are taking a risk. You just need to decide if it is worth the risk. Can the property cashflow if the suite gets shut down?

That`s just my quick thoughts.

Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
Aug 30, 2007
QUOTE (wtoews @ Jan 27 2009, 04:48 PM) If there were 2 properties side by side and one had a legally suited basement, how much more would that be worth?
Generally speaking $25000,$50000,$75000 more?

Just some thoughts and input what everyone thinks would be great.

depends on rent .. let`s say $800/month = $10,000 / year times P/E ratio of 10 or 10% CAP = $100,000 times 50% for "illegal suite can be rented too" .. roughly .. as most houses are NOT valued on an income basis but on a comparable basis .. but same house with basement illegally suited would be maybe 50K less .. or 100K if no basement suite whatsoever !


Aug 31, 2007
QUOTE (wtoews @ Jan 27 2009, 05:48 PM) If there were 2 properties side by side and one had a legally suited basement, how much more would that be worth?
Generally speaking $25000,$50000,$75000 more?

Just some thoughts and input what everyone thinks would be great.


hi Warren,

not sure I understand your question completely.

Was is legal suited vs non legal suited, or legal suited vs no basement apt at all?

Also what area are you referring to?


REIN Member
Dec 5, 2007
Excellent question Warren!

The answer (which obviously can only be an estimate) can also help understand how much effort/money should be invested working with the city trying to make it legal, for those investors whose focus is on such projects. A friend of mine who is a Very rich developer makes most of his money buying properties then adding value by working with the city on approving new zonings/building permits.

Thomas, Great input as usual. However, I believe you meant:
depends on rent .. let`s say $800/month = $10,000/year TIMES EXPENSE TO RENT RATIO (AROUND 50%) times P/E ratio of 10 or 10% CAP = $50,000 (then times 50% for "illegal suite can be rented too" .. roughly .. and you get $25,000 roughly)

Always multiply by EXPENSE TO RENT RATIO (AROUND 50%) in order to translate rent/price to CAP which is net income/price, and you will get the number (estimate) you are looking for.

It`s an interesting question because I heard many real estate agents saying things like "oh, don`t worry about that, I worked with an investor who purchased 40 properties last year - most had illegal units in them. Then, he sold most properties and made a million dollars". They present it in a pretty convincing way. Although my Plexes are legal and I confirm they are prior to closing, I did consider that too especially in places where the city is more than accepting the situation due to very low vacancy rates. But then again, vacancy rate can go up in the future and as Rebecca mentioned there is additional risk.



Nov 2, 2008
QUOTE (wtoews @ Jan 27 2009, 06:48 PM) If there were 2 properties side by side and one had a legally suited basement, how much more would that be worth?.......

Sorry, Newbie question: Could this be called a Duplex, if it has two legal apartments? Or is a Duplex differently build?

Best regards,


Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
Aug 30, 2007
QUOTE (investmart @ Jan 27 2009, 06:27 PM) Excellent question Warren!

The answer (which obviously can only be an estimate) can also help understand how much effort/money should be invested working with the city trying to make it legal, for those investors whose focus is on such projects. A friend of mine who is a Very rich developer makes most of his money buying properties then adding value by working with the city on approving new zonings/building permits.

Thomas, Great input as usual. However, I believe you meant:
depends on rent .. let`s say $800/month = $10,000/year TIMES EXPENSE TO RENT RATIO (AROUND 50%) times P/E ratio of 10 or 10% CAP = $50,000 (then times 50% for "illegal suite can be rented too" .. roughly .. and you get $25,000 roughly)

Always multiply by EXPENSE TO RENT RATIO (AROUND 50%) in order to translate rent/price to CAP which is net income/price, and you will get the number (estimate) you are looking for.

It`s an interesting question because I heard many real estate agents saying things like "oh, don`t worry about that, I worked with an investor who purchased 40 properties last year - most had illegal units in them. Then, he sold most properties and made a million dollars". They present it in a pretty convincing way. Although my Plexes are legal and I confirm they are prior to closing, I did consider that too especially in places where the city is more than accepting the situation due to very low vacancy rates. But then again, vacancy rate can go up in the future and as Rebecca mentioned there is additional risk.


actually I meant 50K not 525K as there are VERY few expenses .. no add`l taxes, no managemnt fees .. maybe a bit more utilities !


REIN Member
Dec 5, 2007
Hi Thomas, Actually because you assumed the property is legal in the calculation I thought taxes are indeed going to be proportionally higher when compared to less units. In addition, managing an additional tenant, vacancy rate, repair and maintenance and utilities are going to be proportionally higher. Therefore, I would definitely NOT assume rent=net operating income. Net operating income should be much closer to 50% of the rent. And that`s a Superb estimate I learned long time ago from........ you and Greg
ps. I mentioned it should be $25K instead of $50k, not $525K instead of $50k


Nov 12, 2008
This is great info everyone!!
The property is an #A & #B but just a normal house. (Front entrance for upstairs and back entrance for downstairs. )
The area is Grande Prairie

So then everyones general guesses would still be around $50000 more?
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