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Realtor Integrity


Mar 29, 2008
Hi Investors,

First of all I just want to say thanks for all the responses in the past to my inquiries. I can really feel the support here than trying to do this alone.

I`ve been referred to a realtor in Edmonton who`s worked with REIN members before. I have went in detail with him about my goals and criterias as well. Everything seems great when we converse however everytime he says he`ll send me some data or what not on certain date. It never happens until I remind him. I`ve brought this up already and assure him of my seriousness and committment in the partnership. I`ve done all I can on my part. I`ve only started talking to him for 3 weeks.

Should I find someone else because of this? Or is the expected, since I`m probably not his top client and haven`t proven to make him money yet even though I will, if he does a good job.

Thanks again!

Nepoez the Newbie


Jan 19, 2008
here`s my thoughts on working with any type of service professional.

When they say they`ll phone in two days, or send the data, or fax the forms, in two days I fully expect those items to be done. No questions. If your new to this realtor and he has a staggered mentality for his clients(or customers), I wonder how many great listings your actually seeing?

Next question would be have you signed an agreement form? I know many realtors don`t do a lot of work for someone is just a customer as you have the ability to switch to another realtor in a heartbeat.

I guess my point is, regardless of who it is or what they do, if they give me their word on something and it doesn`t happen - I will very quickly begin looking elsewhere...


Investor, Analyst, Author, Philanthropist
Staff member
REIN Member
Aug 22, 2007

You need to find a professional who you are comfortable with and who will provide you the service level and quality that you need to achieve your goals.

If you are having to post this message, I think you already know the answer to your question.


Sep 14, 2007
I`ve had similar experiences in my search for my team members. At the end of the day you are the one who makes the decision on who is on your team. Ask yourself the question, what are the qualities I WANT? Then, in your search, only look for those qualities. If this realtor is giving you a vibe that makes you uncomfortable then it`s probably not a match and you`ll want to move on. There are plenty of great realtors out there, you just have to do your due diligence. Of course that`s only one member of your team, you`ll go through the same process with all of your team members until you find your match.

Happy searching!
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