Special Assessments


New Forum Member
Are there any other rein members being smacked in the face with the $11,254.80 Special Assessments / unit at Atkinsdale gardens in St. Albert? How did the Management let this get so out of control?? Can owners band together to argue this Assessment and how and what the funds are being used for. Don`t feel they are doing a good job. Any one have any input.

Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
get on the condo board .. maybe even become the board president with enough votes ..

this should be no surprise if you had studied the condo documents carefully or could have been known with more homework ..

how many units are there ?

how many are controlled by one company ?

Is this a condo conversion gone wrong ?

How high is the reserve fund ?

What is the age of the building ?

What is the overall condition ?

Special assessment is what for ?


Unfortunately special assessments is one of the major hidden expenses of owning a condo.
I have never invested in them as a result but have many friends and associates that have experienced assessments as large if not larger than your case.
They have always appeared to be justified and could normally only have been avoided by increasing monthly fees which would negatively effect resale values.


REIN Member
And be weary of the condo corp. if they don`t want their book audited by a third party agency. I got stung with that one. They`ll be getting a new member on the board. ME!