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Time to Eat Crow, Stephen Harper


Aug 30, 2007
QUOTE (wealthyboomer @ Dec 19 2008, 07:49 PM) If your business hires people, would you hire someone who lies?
Would you keep that person(s) employed, when during their employment interview they stated all the things they would do for your company, and then they reneged on those commitments?

Are you saying that no politician is ever permitted to change their mind - even when conditions change dramatically.

There is a great difference between changing one`s mind and lying. Have you never made a decision and then later come to another decision that reversed your course?


Mar 11, 2008
1.Didn`t Stephen Harper say, “When I make commitments I keep them?” (except when he changes his mind)

2.Didn`t he make an election commitment to NO Deficits? (except when he changes his mind)

3.Didn`t he promise not to appoint Senators? (except when he changes his mind)

4.Didn`t he promise to give the RCMP a pay raise? Canadians safety isn`t worth it. (except when he changes his mind)

Stephen Harper broke his commitments on: (except when he changes his mind)

5.Income Trusts
6.Fixed Election Dates
7.Atlantic Accords
8.Patient Wait Times Guarantee
9.Appointing unelected senators to cabinet (Michael Fortier)

10.Didn`t Mr. Harper pledge to Canadians that a Conservative government would eliminate the GST on gas entirely if prices escalated above 85 cents per litre? Didn`t he call the GST, a tax on tax, referring to the federal excise tax which is also charged on fuel? (except when he changes his mind)

11.Didn`t he want a ban on strikes in the federal public sector, which would violate the Supreme court ruling and Charter of Rights?
(can we say, good-bye to democracy?)

12.Didn`t Harper say that the three opposition leaders refused to sign their agreement in front of a Canadian flag because Gilles Duceppe, a Quebec sovereigntist, objected? When in fact, there were at least two flags present at Monday`s signing ceremony, as well as a painting of the Fathers of Confederation



Sep 3, 2007
I guess coming from Alberta it is us with the blinders. We always vote conservative and just can`t understand why we have the strongest economy in the country. Simple answer, we have oil and gas. The part that gets missed is so does B.C., Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. I wonder why Alberta is the only province that really uses this resource. Might it be a government that is friendly to doing business? Certainly it can`t be that simple? The Alberta government (conservative) allows business to do business and we prosper. The other provinces complain about how we take their labor, how we rape and pillage the land etc. But it seems they have no problem holding their hands out for the money these attrocities generate.

Governing a country would not be a simple thing. The world changes and world economies change which has an effect on us. Our government needs to react to what is going on. Of course previous governments have never changed their minds. In fact some have been caught with hands in cookie jars and we forget so quickly. (sponsorship scandal) As REIN members we are tught to read beneath the headlines. Read a little further and ask questions. The headlines are "spin" to get you thinking a certain way. It has always amazed me how people can vote for one party at an election then another at the next and then back again. The parties have a philosophy, and that doesn`t really change when a party changes leaders.

Like I said before, if you want the government to look after you and run the economy vote liberal, if you want the union people to run the economy and look after you vote NDP, and if you want business people to run the economy and look after you, vote conservative. The leader has very little to do with the way things really go. They are pretty much just a figure head and they too must follow the party line.

In closing I like my blinders. Because of a business friendly government I can charge what ever I want for rent and the market tells me what that is. Not the government. Because of a business friendly government I don`t pay land transfer fines, they do not stimulate growth. Because of a business friendly government we have high employment. Because of a business friendly government we have low taxes even though we don`t have very many people. Because we have a business friendly government we have an oil industry that right now is feeding our entire country. Because we have a business friendly government...

So let`s continue federally with a business friendly government and maybe the other provinces too could join in and we could have a prosperous country, not just a region or two, that can afford to look after our environment, our people, our health etc.


Aug 30, 2007
QUOTE (MikeMcCrae @ Dec 24 2008, 10:54 AM) In closing I like my blinders. Because of a business friendly government I can charge what ever I want for rent and the market tells me what that is. Not the government. Because of a business friendly government I don`t pay land transfer fines, they do not stimulate growth. Because of a business friendly government we have high employment. Because of a business friendly government we have low taxes even though we don`t have very many people. Because we have a business friendly government we have an oil industry that right now is feeding our entire country. Because we have a business friendly government...

So let`s continue federally with a business friendly government and maybe the other provinces too could join in and we could have a prosperous country, not just a region or two, that can afford to look after our environment, our people, our health etc.

Beautifully said Mike!
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