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Top 3 Reasons to Buy an Income Property NOW


Oct 27, 2009
@TorontoPM instead of providing location and building type, perhaps you could provide some context and numbers behind the "great success" that you've described? Personally I prefer to evaluate numbers rather than adjectives. Thanks in advance!


Nov 19, 2012
Sure, post the same old media outlets instead of being here on the ground. I didn't hear these media outlets talk about huge gains 4 years ago.

I did hear them talk about oil and resource busts though. So why put up with $200 cashflow/unit in economies that are a cycle away from trouble.

Why does the Liberal government continue to dominate Toronto/GTA? Because there is a huge investment in schools, health care, pre-k schooling. Sure, centres such as Waterloo and Kingston and London will be starved and are declining, however Toronto and the GTA city-state are rising and everyone wants to be here. Great shopping, health care, events, etc.

I'm surprised at my stepping on so many toes. However, small cash-flow units in nowhere-land Alberta/Saskatchewan and buying old rotting student houses in Wateroo where licensing has come and the universities want to capture the housing market and the main employer might go under soon, well, both simply might not be the best investment options for people...once they look carefully.

And don't get me started on Hamilton......

Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
Aug 30, 2007
[quote user=TorontoPM]

Why does the Liberal government continue to dominate Toronto/GTA? Because they borrow from the future to bring votes into the present ?

have you seen the Ontario deficit lately ?


it goes well for a while .. then boom: cuts in services and higher taxes !

Condos are already flat-lined. Houses will do well for a while in good neighborhoods with good schools .. until they go flat too for a while as the bloated financial services industry and the bloated ON public sector employment shrinks.

[quote user=TorontoPM] .. nowhere-land Alberta/Saskatchewan and buying old rotting student houses in Waterloo where licensing has come and the universities want to capture the housing market and the main employer might go under soon, well, both simply might not be the best investment options for people...once they look carefully.

And don't get me started on Hamilton.

Aren't we a tad arrogant here ? Every region has its pluses and minuses ..


Oct 27, 2009
[quote user=TorontoPM]I'm surprised at my stepping on so many toes...

Not really. You're feeling defensive because you've been unwilling to answer questions about 1) investment locations, 2) investment property types, 3) financial metrics, 4) provide links to sources for your statements, and 5) are only able to answer with adjectives.

I hope I'm wrong, but this typically indicates a troll.


Oct 10, 2007

[quote user=ThomasBeyer][quote user=TorontoPM]

Aren't we a tad arrogant here ? Every region has its pluses and minuses ..


Oct 10, 2007
And this

[quote user=Rickson9][quote user=TorontoPM]I'm surprised at my stepping on so many toes...

Not really. You're feeling defensive because you've been unwilling to answer questions about 1) investment locations, 2) investment property types, 3) financial metrics, 4) provide links to sources for your statements, and 5) are only able to answer with adjectives.

I hope I'm wrong, but this typically indicates a troll.


Oct 10, 2007
Thank you for your response

I'm not sure where you get what you've wrote

Please note:

There is no need to attack posters - you do not gain anything from this

The other frequent posters are aware of everyone's investment locations and often pro-forma's, then actual's over time

For my case I'll even extend the invitation to check out what I'm doing if you are ever in Waterloo, and have taken many posters of this message board through my places

Note you do not need to disclose your current / your clients investments but can easily provide examples for sale currently

If not, and you read a post along the lines of "investing in X provides great returns" - when the poster is not willing to share where X actually is beyond a varied area of 6+ million people and what great returns are, and how they are calculated - the post is not particularly useful

Perhaps you can share some examples of area, property type, pro-forma's ?

[quote user=TorontoPM]Ok, Adam.

I hope this helps and answers your concerns. As you seem very unhappy where you are, doing what you are doing. I would be too in such a declining market that saw it's peak years ago. Personally, I would not invest in Waterloo and would suggest people currently there sell.

I'm not going to provide my clients addresses (or mine) on the internet.

My post breaks the "Alberta is the best/student housing is safe" paradigm but my clients (and myself) have had great success investing in the GTA. I'm sorry if this doesn't match the thinking of a few of the loud members here. Earning a few hundred dollars in "cash-flow" in Alberta or Waterloo is tough slog.

Regarding prices rises, simply Google it. Actually, the media doesn't really report the gains because they include a lot of horrible neighbourhoods where there will never be real gains.

A smart investor will see where the good neighbourhoods are.
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