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Urgently need to rent out Townhome for 1st Nov in Ottawa east.


May 12, 2008
tenants have just given a short notice (leaving end of Oct), here in
Ottawa. And the timing couldn't be worse-we are waiting for our newly
adopted son to arrive from Kazakhstan this week.

I need to give full
focus to our 22 month old son, who is coming home after
a long and difficult adoption process, and need to try and rent out our
3BR 2.5Bth Townhome in Orleans asap.Except for advertising on the
street, Kijiji and renter's hotline, where else should I post the home,
pls? Im trying my best to solve this sudden
situation on my own as my husband is in Kazakhstan with our son trying
to bring him home to Canada. If you can help spread the word around too, it would be highly appreciated.

if anyone knows someone looking to rent a home like this here in East
Ottawa, referrals would be rewarded with a $100 gift card to your
favorite restaurant/store in town.

All help is greatly appreciated.


[email protected]


Aug 29, 2007
You may be able to alleviate the situation somewhat by enforcing the RTA rules regarding notice. If your tenant did not give notice prior to September 1st then they are obligated to pay rent until the end of November. If you have a LMR then it is only to be applied to the last month which would be November.

If they have not given the proper 60 Days notice (prior to the first of the month) then inform them you will attempt to find a new tenant for the first of November but if unsuccessful their last month rent will be applied to November. If they do not pay septembers rent (opting to apply their LMR) then on the second of September file a L9 with the LTB.

Otherwise do not panic. The worst thing you can do is rush into accepting the first applicant that has a heart beat. That will be a mistake. Do you know how to properly screen applicants. Are you a member of a credit check company so that you can do the proper screening.

Alvaro Sanchez

Ottawa-Gatineau Investor
Jun 5, 2009
There is a meeting tonight at OREIO http://www.oreio.org/ and you can meet other investors, property managers, real estate agents who can promote your home or take over the management in case your are busy doing other stuff.

Also note that there is a group of REIN members who meet every month to network and support each other. Some of us are also attend the OREIO meetings.
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