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Vancouver: Do any of you do educational seminars?


Sep 23, 2008

I was on this forum years ago, and then had a big location and career change so I haven't been around.

Now I am in financial planning. One of the things that I have built into my practice is offering free educational workshops to the public, on any topics related to finance, planning, investing, etc.

One of the topics that has been requested repeatedly is real estate investing. I am NOT an expert on that, so I am looking for someone who would be willing to come do one (or more) workshops on the topic of real estate investing.

I know it's a huge topic that cannot be adequately covered in one evening, so I am open to suggestions on what it might look like.

I've had professionals from other fields do this with me (accountant, realtor, mortgage broker) but have not found a great real estate investor to do this. Part of the problem I think is that it is basically a prospecting tool for me and for my guest speakers--we are meeting new people who may become clients. But I'm assuming that would not be a factor for most of you since you probably aren't looking for clients, though maybe venture partners (I'm not sure). Open to thoughts on that. I want it to be worth your while, but they are free workshops after all and no one is getting paid for it, so it needs to be something that you want to do either to give back or potentially meet new people to do business with.


If anyone wants to chat about this, even just to explore the idea and see what we come up with, let me know! I can be reached at holly(dot)vipond(at)f55f(dot)com or 778-628-4265.
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