Why Real Estate is so POWERFUL – Attempt at explaining it


Why Real Estate is so POWERFUL ` Attempt at explaining it

If I were a mathematician, I could probably explain the following story with something like this:

But I am NOT
a mathematician!

One thing I know is that Time+Real Estate = Better Future

better with pictures, so here it goes.


This is the earliest picture I have from the house I grew up in. The year is 1936. Sitting are my Great-grand parents with my Grandmother as a young 15 year old girl standing behind them. I am not sure who originally built or purchased the house, but it must`ve been around 1900 or much earlier.

My Great-grandfather was still alive and very happy when I was born. I have no memories of him as he past away 6 months later. I lived in this house until I was 15 years old.

The house had a store on the main street level, seen in this present day picture.


Over the years I remember it as a grocery store, photo studio, pharmacy, and now for the last few years a day bar/cafà where young people meet to plan their day and retired neighbors come to talk politics.

This is the money I receive every time I go back to visit and vacation.


It is rent money from the store. It takes care of most of our spending while in Bulgaria.


Summer of 2010. In few minutes after this picture was taken , my kids would`ve probably be getting ice cream, while I get a drink -paid for with the rent money.

As we soak in the sun, enjoy the beach and friends during our summers in Varna, Bulgaria, I can`t help but think that, the ice-cream my kids are eating is paid for with money their Great-great-grandfather made available to us. It`s like he bought them the ice-cream. Five generations later. How COOL is that?

And I am grateful.

We all have stories.

More importantly we are all creating stories right at this moment and every day.

I want to create a story that will last a long after I am gone.

Visit my blog and post a comment http://www.proactinvestments.com/?page_id=70


[quote user=TodorYordanov]I want to create a story that will last a long after I am gone.

Todor, great post and thank you for sharing! A great lesson in thinking long term and creating inter-generational wealth. Something I think too many investors lose track with all the get rich quick, flip this house "training" out there.

Knowing you, I am confident that you will achieve your goal.

All the best!



Great storey! I've always believed it's the journey not the destination. Glad to see that you treat yourself & family. Makes the journey that much more fun! Cheers!


Thomas Beyer

REIN Member
Great story !

The trick is to be able to HOLD the property long enough .. i.e. have enough income to cover operating income and mortgage !

Real estate is not a get rich quick scheme .. it is a get rich for sure scheme .. but it takes a while !!


REIN Member
Wow! That is the power of real estate for sure! Generational wealth!

Thanks for sharing Todor!


Fantastic Story. Thanks for sharing Todor.

Hopefully my future grandkids will be sharing a story similiar to this (have some time...my oldest is only 7)!!!



Hi Todor,

Great story,

I'm less creative than you but here's a video of in my opinion of why Real Estate works but here's the jist of it and a more in depth explanation at my blog below for those interested.

1. Banks think it's low risk

2. Proven wealth creation tool

3. 3rd party verifiable

4. First up in a boom, last to empty in a bust. (Diamond REIN member Terry Regenwetter of Resol Financial taught me this)


That is a great way to tell a story. The pictures really add to the emotional impact of what you are trying to tell. I have been inspired to try to adopt a simliar approach in the future.


Thanks for sharing your story Todor. At the end of the day Real Estate is just the vehicle to create the sustainable generational wealth.

This is why some days we put in the extra time and effort, because in years from now, someone in our families will write something like this - or by then we may just be communicating telepathically :)